References of tecrisk GmbH
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, GERMANY (2009-2016)
Robert Koch Institute, Berlin GERMANY (2005-2015)
Planetary Protection Research ESA, A statistical study (2012-2013)
Swiss National High Containment Facility, SWITZERLAND (1999-2013)
MARS Sample Return Facility, design study and risk analysis for ESA
¥ Boehringer Ingelheim, Vaccine
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Friedrich Loeffler Institute on Island of Riems, GERMANY (2005-2012)
University Hospital Berne, Clinical Research (2010)
Proton Cyclotron at Insel Hospital Berne, risk
analysis, SWITZERLAND (2008-2009)
¥ Recommendation of Implementing Gene
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Animal Health Institute, Pirbright UK (2006-
¥ Propagation of Aerosol bound
Contaminations, theory and computer code, CUH2A & Smith and Carter, USA
¥ Critical Technology Plan on Containment
Technology, Public Health Agency of Canada, CANADA (2006)
FMD Laboratory in Novi Sad SERBIA- MONTENEGRO (2005)
FMD Laboratory in Vienna, AUSTRIA (2004-2006)
¥ Environmental
Impact Study of National High Containment Laboratory,
ABC Emergency Preparedness Planning, SWITZERLAND
¥ Feasibility
Study for a European Mars Sample Receiving Facility, ESA (2004)
¥ High
Containment Laboratory at Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Anima in Barcelona, SPAIN
¥ High Containment Laboratory for I.D.A.H.
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¥ Risk analysis of a glove box laboratory,
¥ DAXpert, an
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¥ Technical-scientific proposal for a Technical Guidance for high containment laboratories,
¥ A safety pre-analysis for a National High
Containment, SWITZERLAND (2003)
¥ Feasibility study for a National High
Security Laboratory, SWITZERLAND (2002)
¥ Risk Analysis of the National Reference
Centre for Haemorrhagic Fever Virus, SWITZERLAND
¥ Consultation for the Promotion of the
Biotechnology Industry, SWITZERLAND (2001)
¥ A National Competence Centre against
Bioterror, a study, SWITZERLAND (2001)
¥ Concept
for an expert system for the assessment of dual use of biotechnology facilities, SWITZERLAND
¥ Biosafety consultation for Novartis, Basel, SWITZERLAND (2001)
¥ FMD Regional Reference Laboratory in Pak
Chong, THAILAND (2000)
¥ Decontamination
Methods in Tuberculosis Laboratories, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
High Containment Laboratories BSL-4 in Canada and USA, a study (1999)
Planning study for a National BSL-4 Laboratory,
Feasibility study for a National BSL-4 Laboratory,
BSL-3 Laboratory at University of Zurich, Veterinary Faculty,
Risk Analysis: Antibiotics in Animal Production, Swiss Veterinary Office, SWITZERLAND (1999)
Consultancy for the BSL-3 facility at the University of Barcelona, SPAIN
BSL-3 Laboratory at University of Zurich, Veterinary Faculty,
BSL-3 Laboratory at University of Berne, Medical Faculty,
BSL-3 Laboratory at University of Berne, Veterinary Faculty,
Indian Veterinary Research Institute in Bhopal, INDIA
Indian Veterinary Research Institute in Bangalore,
INDIA (1995)
Institute of Virology and Immunology in Budapest,
HUNGARY (1994)
¥ Veterinary
Research Institute in Anyang, KOREA (1992)
Head of Biosafety at the Institute of Virology and Immune Prophylaxis